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Choir Boy by Tarrell Alvin McCraney


​“Choir Boy,” directed by Darryl V. Jones, builds in a gorgeous mic-
drop of a rebuttal
to the headmaster’s upbraiding, in the form of its
roof-raising song and dance. Haunting, Tony Award-winning
arrangements of hymns and African American spirituals by Jason
Michael Webb creates ear-tickling little chord clusters that forge
resolution in irresolution.  


Lily Janiak, SF Chronicle Sep 29, 2024


Director Darryl V. Jones moves the cast and action in such a way that the space
feels much larger than it is. The
transitions are sharp, quick, and clean, so much
so that rather than it feeling like a break in action,
they actually build anticipation.
The pacing is steady, never drags, and yet is never rushed. For a show that is
almost two hours without an intermission, it moves by with an unexpected
Jones has the cast dialed into their characters and the story in such a
way that you know the emotional journey is of paramount importance. 

Rogers Flynt, Broadway World 

We empathize with Pharus’ struggles to find the balance between his
individuality and his sense of conscience in this Tony Award-winning play by
Tarell Alvin McCraney (Academy Award-winning screenplay writer
of Moonlight),
and ably directed by Darryl V. Jones

(Shotgun’s Kill Move Paradise).


Emily S. Mendel, Berkeleyside

Director Darryl V. Jones deftly stages vigorous singing and dancing between scenes
to amp up the conflicts
. The limp wrist dance at the end suggests a level of
acceptance. But the battle is never over.

Joseph Mutti, Theatrius

Blue​ Door by Tanya Barfield


"In the role of Louis, under the direction of Darryl V. Jones, Michael J. Asberry
gives one of his best performances.
He captures Louis’ pompousness just as
much as his pain."

Charles Lewis III May 9, 2024, 48 Hills


"Linking the years, the people, and the emotions of the night’s many revelations are a
soundtrack of
original songs by director Darryl V. Jones – songs reflecting the
hardships of enslavement, the abandonment of imprisonment, and the fortitude to survive on a chain gang "

 Eddie Reynolds


" With tour de force performances by its cast of two and directed with boldness and
compassion by Darryl V. Jones,
Aurora Theatre Company presents Tanya Barfield’s Blue
Door in a play where a man’s search for the core of his true identity requires him to
confront his own collective history – a history not unlike the millions of other Black men
like him in the U.S."

 Eddie Reynolds


"Director Darryl V. Jones creates striking staging for the dream encounters—around
the bed flanked by canvas covered bales of cotton. In a contentious scene between
Lewis and his great grandfather (lively Louis Mercer II), he shows the men reaching
across the bed, echoing Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam,” as they reconnect.

Director Jones has written hauntingly familiar songs for Mercer. They sound like
songs that slaves sang while working in the fields."

Lynne Stevens, Theatrius

HALIE by  Wendy E. Taylor and Darryl V. Jones

"Anderson does an amazing job of embodying Halie’s gospel sound. Whether she’s
singing “Let the Church Roll On,” “Old Time Religion,” “On My Way,” or “Keep Your
Hand on the Plow,” Anderson’s voice shakes the rafters.

As a sustained feat of musical tribute, “Halie!” stakes its claim in clear and
often stirring musical terms.
 The singing, for sure, can be wonderful, charged with prayer and pain, praise
and God-given forbearance. Anderson may not always caress a melody the way
Jackson herself did, but her voice has a deep, penetrating core, with a plush
vibrato lining. When the star powers her way into a number, supported by her
male trio and a four-member band behind them,
“Halie!” digs in. 

BLOOD AT THE ROOT  by Dominique Morisseau

“Blood at the Root” is a must see for today’s America,

a masterwork, masterfully envisioned by Darryl V. Jones.

THE GREAT KHAN BY Michael Gene Sullivan

“The show is directed with some mighty strokes from Darryl V. Jones,

a creative that’s tasked with corralling Sullivan’s script that dips and darts in many critical directions[...]”

Under the Direction of Darryl V. Jones



were both nominated for SF Bay Area Critics awards for Outstanding Productions

"The story is tough and pulls few punches but,

with the playwright’s deft touches to dialogue and body language and other nuances via director Darryl V. Jones,

there are appreciated comedic sparks to be relished for both irony and laugh-ability."

“[...] Directed with passion and drive by Darryl V. Jones.”



" ‘Devil’s Music’ at Center Rep captures Bessie Smith’s talent, swagger

Katrina Lauren McGraw superb in lead role

Director Darryl V. Jones keeps the pace brisk and the emotional arc of the narrative (such as it is) crisp and clear."

Director Darryl V. Jones shows his sure and experienced hand in bringing out the best in the ensemble in this outstanding tribute to the legendary singer.
The production sizzles with strong pacing, seamless timing, and exciting delivery.

Jones’ plays never fail to thrill."


Astonishing… visionary direction

“Crackling, live-wire energy.
This rare collaboration between Shotgun Players and Lorraine Hansberry Theatre, directed by Darryl V. Jones, imbues Ijames’ eternity-focused script with earthly expressiveness.

THE ROYALE by Marco Ramirez


Director Darryl V. Jones stages “The Royale” with fast pacing, powerhouse punches, and smart staging. Jones connects with us, with every hit."

 “The Royale,” written by Miami-based playwright Marco Ramirez and directed with stunning certainty by Darryl V. Jones, is a triumph of the highest order, a highly stylized dramatization based on the surreal existence of Johnson. In this piece, the violent poetry of fights are captured with foot stomps, finger snaps, and bursts of supreme confidence by both combatants, two men chiseled out of granite as beads of sweat glean off their bodies in succulent backlight."

DETROIT 67 by Dominique Morisseau

"Directed with uncanny timing, bold touches, and much humanity by
Darryl V. Jones,
Aurora’s Detroit ’67 rocks with Motown sounds that soothe and soar, teases with humor both rich and raw, and shakes to the core with historical events serious and shattering."

  "in Morisseau's play under the skilled direction of Darryl V. Jones, the hopefulness of Chelle and Lank (and Bunny and Sly) suffuses the action like the energizing rhythms that come pouring out of those 8-track cassettes. Morisseau has created a marvelous mix of personalities.

Technically, this production is flawless."



" [...] in Darryl V. Jones’ antic production, the jokes come fast and the playing is furious enough that even patrons who don’t share the author’s sentiments will be laughing too hard to quibble much until the tail end of the evening."

Under Darryl V. Jones' antic direction, Woolly Mammoth's production at the ... addresses with dark comic vigor in her 1996 play, The Mineola Twins

The Baltimore Sun

THE BROTHER SIZE  by Tarell Alvin McCraney

"Darryl V. Jones directs the 100-minute piece with humor, nuance and economy, and the actors — attractive, athletic and sometimes shirtless...

give vivid, human performances."

Director Darryl V. Jones integrates production elements well.

With only three actors in a talky play, he does organize significant movement.

A well choreographed stomp dance raises the energy level, and both soundtrack and live singing add a dimension. 

meaningful tale, written and produced with great heart. 

"Jones directs with a masterful sensitivity and adds to the rising emotion of McCraney's drama without overstepping. The three actors Wimberly, Christian, and Green are each unforgettable and equally dynamic in their roles.


"Wisely, director Darryl V. Jones has wrought some changes (approved by the playwright) on this tale of obsession, culture clash and betrayal… 

He's updated "A View" from just after World War II to 1964 and recast longshoreman Eddie Carbone (Vince Brown) his friends and family as of Dominican rather than Italian extraction."

" …and director Jones matches the writing's explosive energy with

vivid street scenes and full throttle acting.

A Dominican View and Interview with Darryl V. Jones 


Director with an updated 'View', Interview with Darryl V. Jones

WE ARE YOUR SISTERS by  Stephanie von Hirschberg and Ardelle Striker

 AUDELCO Award Winner for Outstanding Production

"…lively and imaginative direction by Darryl V. Jones"

"This show blends bravura acting with song, chant, and dance in a fascinating and informative show which wastes not a moment."

SPUNK based on stories by Zora Neale Hurston Adapted by George C. Wolfe

Jones was nominated for the Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Direction of a Musical, Regional Theatre Production

THE AMEN CORNER by James Baldwin

"Jones’ elegant pacing methodically strips the robes from each character, exposing their heartaches and motives like a fog gradually clearing to reveal a multi-car wreck. Like the African Continuum Theatre Company’s production of Chain last season, The Amen Corner elicits pity for characters devoid of self-pity."

"Darryl V. Jones's production fairly ripples with life and passion."


"Saturday night Jones's cast received a
rightfully thunderous standing ovation."

A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE by Tennessee Williams

What's relieving and wonderful about Jones' production is that its atypical trappings - which could have twisted the play into a freak show – instead provide electric sparks that vindicate this great play against any accusations of moldiness.

GRAPES OF WRATH by Frank Galati

"Adapter Frank Galati - whose dramatization of "Grapes" won.

Broadway's Tony Award a decade ago -understands what makes the book tick. 

Likewise, University of Michigan Department of Theatre and Drama professor

Darryl V. Jones, guest set designer Tony Cisek, and all the other gifted folks, who' helped mount this mighty show, including a knockout cast of nearly 40


They create an unforgettable three hours of theater…" 

BALM IN GILEAD by Lanford Wilson

U-M's 'Balm in Gilead' is a messy triumph

The University of Michigan's current revival of Lanford Wilson's 'Balm in Gilead' is a brilliant rendering of a brilliant play. 

…this production featuring two dozen U-M musical theatre students is a fabulous thing to behold.


"Once again Jones shows himself a master at coalescing the diffuse. 

University of Michigan theatre professor Darryl V. Jones has done just that, bringing Lee's play together in a cinematic way at Lydia MendelssohnTheatre."

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